Welcome to the first installment of The Edinblog, Julian’s journal of taking SLEEP TO WAKE: ROBERT BROWNING REMEMBERS ELIZABETH to this summer’s Edinburgh Fringe Festival. As of today we’re only eighteen days away from our departure and there’s still a lot to do before we can make this long-lived fantasy into a real event.
We’ve received our order for the T-shirts that are rewards for our donors of $50 or more, and we’re trying to get as many of them as possible out to all those for whom we have mailing addresses and who have told us what size they prefer. So if you haven’t notified us yet, you can get on the bandwagon by writing me at
There are myriad other things to get done before leaving, having to do with publicity, transportation, apartment rental, insurance, program copy and so forth. I’ve been very frustrated being unemployed for the past couple of months—going to the Fringe knocked me out of consideration for all the Shakespeare festivals that are my usual summer staple—but the silver lining is that I have enough time to deal with all the many, many details that have proved so time-consuming. Producing has turned out to be a full-time job in itself—one I’ll be happy to leave to the professionals in the future. It reminds me what a cushy job acting is by contrast!
Watch this space over the coming weeks—there will be two or three more postings until we leave, and then at least three a week once we’re in Scotland. I hope to be able to give all my readers some taste of what it’s like to participate in such a vast and variegated extravaganza as the Fringe has become, and chronicle the fortunes of the little show that is our contribution to it.
To all of you who helped make this journey possible, again, our thanks. And enjoy the ride!